NEXPLORER is an initiative of NEXPO – the new Expo
Johannes Hedinger (Com&Com), Michael Hermann (Sotomo), Anne-Outram Mott, Juri Steiner and Mathis Brauchbar (Launch NEXPO Curation Team)
NEXPLORER is an initiative of NEXPO, supported by the Mercator Foundation Switzerland (2020/2021), the Ernst Göhner Foundation (2020) and the Gebert Rüf Foundation (2021), and accompanied by the Citizen Science Center of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich.
Scientific partner: Sotomo
Creative and communications partner: Com&Com in cooperation with Alltag Agentur
Prototyping and technical engineering: LIIP and Digitales Handwerk
Videos: Extramilefilms
Communication and press: Reto Meierhofer
NEXPLORER, ein Vernetzungsprojekt des Programms "Clusterförderung" der Gebert Rüf Stiftung
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